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Date: July 9, 2024 at 1:18:56 PM GMT-3
Subject: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 121, No. 28, July 9, 2024 is now available online

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

New Issue Available


July 9, 2024  |  VOL.121  |  NO.28

View Table of contents

Read all about our newest Special Feature: Physics Meets Machine Learning.

This Week in PNAS

In This Issue


Collaborative consortia can boost postdoctoral workforce development


Elliott Dan Kieff (1943 to 2024): Epstein–Barr virus cancer biology pioneer


The value of qualitative data in understanding failure in prediction

Identifying changes in viral fitness using population genetic structure

Honey, they shrunk the ATP


Growing three-dimensional objects with light


Reply to van der Heijden and Starostin: On the persistent helicity of fluctuating ribbons

Brief Reports

Capturing alterations of intracellular–extracellular lactate distribution in the brain using diffusion-weighted MR spectroscopy in vivo

The European Union Emissions Trading System might yield large co-benefits from pollution reduction

DNA polymerase κ participates in early S-phase DNA replication in human cells

Activity of DNA polymerase κ across the genome in human fibroblasts

Physical Sciences

Applied Mathematics

A mathematical theory of relational generalization in transitive inference

Applied Physical Sciences

Structurally and mechanically tuned macroporous hydrogels for scalable mesenchymal stem cell–extracellular matrix spheroid production

Plume-scale confinement on thermal convection

Fluid inertia controls mineral precipitation and clogging in pore to network-scale flows

Unraveling the mesoscale organization induced by network-driven processes

Spectroscopic evidence of spin-state excitation in d-electron correlated semiconductor FeSb2

Nanopipette dynamic microscopy unveils nano coffee ring

Biophysics and Computational Biology

Motorized chain models of the ideal chromosome

Nucleosomes play a dual role in regulating transcription dynamics

The developmental mechanics of divergent buckling patterns in the chick gut

METAPHOR: Metabolic evaluation through phasor-based hyperspectral imaging and organelle recognition for mouse blastocysts and oocytes


A tandem activity-based sensing and labeling strategy reveals antioxidant response element regulation of labile iron pools

Stabilizing Ti3C2Tx MXene flakes in air by removing confined water

Nanoparticle-assisted tubulin assembly is environment dependent

Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences

Global impacts of an extreme solar particle event under different geomagnetic field strengths

Constraining Earth’s nonlinear mantle viscosity using plate-boundary resolving global inversions


A nanofluidic spiking synapse

Data-driven inverse design of flexible pressure sensors

Flexible liquid-diode microtubes from multimodal microfluidics

SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis in an angiotensin II–induced heart-on-a-chip disease model and extracellular vesicle screening


Machine learning without a processor: Emergent learning in a nonlinear analog network

Quantum acoustics unravels Planckian resistivity


The genome-wide signature of short-term temporal selection

Social Sciences


The chronology of the human colonization of the Canary Islands

Psychological and Cognitive Sciences

Hemispheric functional organization, as revealed by naturalistic neuroimaging, in pediatric epilepsy patients with cortical resections

The role of positive emotion in harmful health behavior: Implications for theory and public health campaigns

Interaction structure constrains the emergence of conventions in group communication

Social Sciences

How people are exposed to neighborhoods racially different from their own

Mortality risk information and health-seeking behavior during an epidemic

Sustainability Science

Land in limbo: Nearly one third of Indonesia’s cleared old-growth forests left idle

Biological Sciences

Agricultural Sciences

GPCR–MAPK signaling pathways underpin fitness trade-offs in whitefly

The m6A reader SlYTH2 negatively regulates tomato fruit aroma by impeding the translation process

Applied Biological Sciences

SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis in an angiotensin II–induced heart-on-a-chip disease model and extracellular vesicle screening


POTRA domains of the TamA insertase interact with the outer membrane and modulate membrane properties

Structural and mechanistic analysis of Ca2+-dependent regulation of transglutaminase 2 activity using a Ca2+-bound intermediate state

A multi-iron enzyme installs copper-binding oxazolone/thioamide pairs on a nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae virulence factor

Biophysics and Computational Biology

Structurally and mechanically tuned macroporous hydrogels for scalable mesenchymal stem cell–extracellular matrix spheroid production

Motorized chain models of the ideal chromosome

Nucleosomes play a dual role in regulating transcription dynamics

Reassessing the exon–foldon correspondence using frustration analysis

Cell Biology

Substrate stress relaxation regulates neural stem cell fate commitment

The CRL3KCTD10 ubiquitin ligase–USP18 axis coordinately regulates cystine uptake and ferroptosis by modulating SLC7A11

Ubiquitin-induced RNF168 condensation promotes DNA double-strand break repair

Wnt/Wingless signaling promotes lipid mobilization through signal-induced transcriptional repression

Developmental Biology

The developmental mechanics of divergent buckling patterns in the chick gut

METAPHOR: Metabolic evaluation through phasor-based hyperspectral imaging and organelle recognition for mouse blastocysts and oocytes

TFEB safeguards trophoblast syncytialization in humans and mice

Positive regulation of Hedgehog signaling via phosphorylation of GLI2/GLI3 by DYRK2 kinase

Molecular analysis of a self-organizing signaling pathway for Xenopus axial patterning from egg to tailbud


Principal role of fungi in soil carbon stabilization during early pedogenesis in the high Arctic

Relative decline in density of Northern Hemisphere tree species in warm and arid regions of their climate niches

Environmental Sciences

Global impacts of an extreme solar particle event under different geomagnetic field strengths

Land in limbo: Nearly one third of Indonesia’s cleared old-growth forests left idle


The genome-wide signature of short-term temporal selection


Glial expression of a steroidogenic enzyme underlies natural variation in hitchhiking behavior

Immunology and Inflammation

NRF2 is a spatiotemporal metabolic hub essential for the polyfunctionality of Th2 cells

Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve ameliorates inflammation and disease activity in a rat EAE model of multiple sclerosis

Medical Sciences

Nonviral CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis for streamlined generation of mouse lung cancer models

Sharing massive biomedical data at magnitudes lower bandwidth using implicit neural function

Single-cell analysis of treatment-resistant prostate cancer: Implications of cell state changes for cell surface antigen–targeted therapies


Flp/FRT-mediated disruption of ptex150 and exp2 in Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites inhibits liver-stage development


Hemispheric functional organization, as revealed by naturalistic neuroimaging, in pediatric epilepsy patients with cortical resections

A mathematical theory of relational generalization in transitive inference

The choroid plexus maintains adult brain ventricles and subventricular zone neuroblast pool, which facilitates poststroke neurogenesis

The mechanics of correlated variability in segregated cortical excitatory subnetworks

Parkinson’s-linked LRRK2-G2019S derails AMPAR trafficking, mobility, and composition in striatum with cell-type and subunit specificity

A familiar face and person processing area in the human temporal pole

Adult neurogenesis is necessary for functional regeneration of a forebrain neural circuit

Attenuating midline thalamus bursting to mitigate absence epilepsy


Pia-FLOW: Deciphering hemodynamic maps of the pial vascular connectome and its response to arterial occlusion

Beneficial metabolic effects of PAHSAs depend on the gut microbiota in diet-induced obese mice but not in chow-fed mice

Reciprocal interactions between neuropeptide F and RYamide regulate host attraction in the mosquito Aedes aegypti

Plant Biology

The MKK3 MAPK cascade integrates temperature and after-ripening signals to modulate seed germination

Bioengineering a plant NLR immune receptor with a robust binding interface toward a conserved fungal pathogen effector

An atlas of the tomato epigenome reveals that KRYPTONITE shapes TAD-like boundaries through the control of H3K9ac distribution

Multiplexed in situ hybridization reveals distinct lineage identities for major and minor vein initiation during maize leaf development

Membrane association of active genes organizes the chloroplast nucleoid structure


Correction for Jinushi et al., MHC class I chain-related protein A antibodies and shedding are associated with the progression of multiple myeloma

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